What life is like now that we're home:

....a little stressful:) We've got to move our stuff out this Saturday and Ben flys to Africa on Sunday night! Ticket is bought. I'll be following shortly after driving our car back to Utah.
I'll tell ya what, it is HARD packing for a move across the world. I keep thinking it's just a year-long vacation; not knowing what to take, what not to take, and fitting it into 2 suitcases each. Yikes.
Wish us luck!
ah 4 suitcases!! that is stressful! good luck!
at least you have friends on in the background to keep the stress down!! Good luck! How long will you be stopping in Utah? We would LOVE to see you one last time... Let us know!
You guys are absolutely adorable. GOOD LUCK! i am excited to hear about all your awesome adventures. i want to go! get me out of this weather!
you guys will have so much fun! I think that sounds like a total adventure! I notice FRIENDS on in the background, love it! Good luck with the move!
I thought moving just to Iowa was tough. Sheesh. That is tough. I noticed there is frineds going on in the background though!! i love that show!
Good luck! I hope it all works out! I cant wait to hear how it all goes!
Oh my, you guys are so brave! I would be so scared to move that far away and unfamiliar! But that is so awesome! Good luck! I'm sure it will be such a blast and a huge adventure!
Hey thanks for the comment! Yeah it made sense, I have changed them around a lot. Your screen must be smaller than mine or something because everything shows up in the right place on my computer. But, it is good to know what it is looking like when other people look at it. Your blog is looking cute these days too! Well, good luck in Africa! That is going to be such a wonderful experience! I can't wait to see pictures!
Make sure you check back, I just changed it but it looks the same to me. Let me know, okay! Thanks!
GOOD LUCK!!! You guys will have so much fun! We will miss you!
Wow, South Africa that is such an adventure. Kade and I are jealous we love to travel. Good luck moving, I remember going to Thailand for only 6 months with two suitcases - having to plan for a whole year yikes!
GOOD LUCK GIRL!! South Africa eh? That is freakin sweet. You guys get to travel so much, I'll admit that I'm Jealous!
OH man, Targhee is heaven on Earth. I do a run on Mary's for ya :).
camille.. i cant believe you guys are moving to SOUTH AFRICA! that is CRAZY, but soo exciting. what an adventure. good luck with all the packing! and travel safe
Oh you guys, that is so awesome! What a fun adventure! I hope you guys have a blast! It will be fun to hear all about it. Best of Luck!!
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