Sunday, August 29, 2010


Here's a better version (and shorter) video of her first month:

Don't you love it? That end clip is the cutest thing ever. I could watch it a thousand times. She even grabbed that toy by herself! I had to cut out over 15 minutes of this video (but kept the long version for us). There are just so many cute things she does every day.

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Nades said...

Oh my gosh that was just the cutest thing ever! Thankyou for sharing that with us! She is growing in leaps and bounds:) miss you girl! email me ok! :) X

Brenton and Andrea said...

Oh she is so adorable! I bet that's the closest I will ever get to seeing her for a while, but I just want to kiss her little cheeks! She is so cute! Thanks for posting it! Enjoy every minute! They grow up WAY too fast!

Todd and Mallory said...

Oh she is so cute. I don't think I will see you while you are in Utah but have fun with the grandparents!

Unknown said...

LOVE IT!! she is beautiful! Max needs to meet up with his future girlfriend :D

Eric and Alexis Beus said...

She is the most adorable little girl!! I hope I get to meet her soon!

Lauren Tatton said...

Cute! Looks like you are having a really great trip! I hope you are getting some sleep!